Age 8: Afternoon language arts, grammar and writing program for 3rd graders.

Language Quest Jr.


The goal of Language Quest Jr. is to prepare students for Language Quest by providing a strong foundation of grammar basics and an introduction to writing (including keyword outlines, narration, and speaking).


  • Grammar: Each class will learn the basics of the eight parts of speech - focus on and identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs - as well as how to diagram simple sentences. We will cover the parts of a sentence. The class will follow the students' pace as they grasp concepts and gain confidence in the skills they are learning.  Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW): Students will understand the foundational technique of writing a keyword outline (KWO) from a source text, and practice writing narratives from those KWOs while discovering fresh vocabulary.
  • Extras: Fun math games, public speaking practice, and enjoyable vocabulary games.

** This class is geared toward 3rd grade students, but can also accommodate accelerated
2nd grade students and 4th grade students who need a stronger foundation of grammar and writing basics.

*Contact us for pricing and more information.